Monday 31 March 2014

What Millie Learned in March 2014

1. It is possible to get an OREO from your forehead into your mouth without using your hands. I have seen it done.

2. We have a rainforest in Canada. (Located in B.C., of course.)

3. Apparently this has been the worse winter (weather-wise) in our area since 1978. The height of the snow banks around here and the number of cancelled church services confirm this report.

4. Women in Victoria novels suffer from the most extreme fragility of health. One disappointment sends them into paroxysms of sickness. Perilous times!

5. The most nerve wracking thing in the world: Being responsible for deciding if all the food is hot enough before taking it out of the ovens at a potluck lunch.

6. There are so many little good things every day. It's just life. But accepting life as a gift makes all the difference.

7. There are some people out there with pretty awful names: Martin E. Marty, Mary Berry, and Rip Torn. Yep. Not even kidding.

Here's to a green April...Please, please, please!

- Millie


  1. I am thankful I have not had to deal with Number 5! Also, I could go on and on about Number 7. :)

  2. Margaret - Please feel free to list some of the worse names you have ever come across for our viewing pleasure. :)

    - Millie

  3. 1. Yes, but have YOU ever done it? :D I can visualize it, but whew, not with my glasses on!
    2. Of course. ;)
    4. It's because of their corsets. I don't think most of us don't realize how incredibly dangerous those things were.
    5. Oh my! I don't envy you that job!
    *grin* Yes, sunshine and green grass sounds good. :)

    1. 1. No, never in a million years! The people who I saw doing it, took off their glasses before attempting.
      3. Yes, definitely those corsets!

      - Millie

  4. Number 5... Joanna, this is us! I sometimes look around sheepishly, like, "whose is this? Are they going to be mad?" but other times I am emboldened to just crank the heat on random crock pots, put things in and out of the oven, etc.

    1. and sometimes we just serve the frozen peach pie! ;)

  5. Christmas Carol Kauffman was the first name that came to mind! It is also curious that some people have the same first and last names, like Holling C. Holling.

  6. Emily, I'm so glad that I'm not the only one. The job is so stressful! Kudos to you and Joanna.
    Yes, Margaret, Christmas Carol Kauffman is truly horrendous. I heard of a lady whose name was Gayle Gayle.
    - Millie
